We are actually seeing improvement with Hayden. I am surprised that I am already seeing a difference in him in the short amount of time that we have realized there was a problem. Hayden is fantastic at remembering details and comprehending what is going on. In fact he tested at a 3rd grade 8 month level in those areas. But, he has had a hard time remembering names, in fact, Josh's kids are all Austin and Austin's brothers. And, JD's boys are all Bryson. He came home from Karate camp this week and was telling us all his friends names. Unbelievable! And, he is becoming so much more independent.
I have been taking Hayden to a myopractioner for cranial work and a homeopathic doctor. They are doing studies that some Autistic tendencies are greatly reduced when cranial work is done. So, what the heck, we decided to give it a try. Since he was diagnosed with having blockages in his brain, we were going to try to go to occupational therapy to re-route the signals his brain was sending. (We are still working on this) But, with Dr. Goldberg, he is actually breaking up some of the blockages and the breakthroughs that we are seeing with Hayden already are amazing! So, we feel very fortunate and very blessed to have found these specialists.
Hayden is in for more testing on Thursday. He is not excited. He has 5 hours of testing with an occupational therapist. Then on to the myopractioner's office that usually takes 2 1/2 hours and then to Dr. Ber. He is so not looking forward to the day. But, I told him that we would definitely be hitting Toys R Us on the way home.
I remember asking Hayden's cardiologist if the testing ever got easier as they got older. I loved his reply. He said yes, once they understand, if you will cooperate you can have whatever you want at Toys R Us. So, I am taking his advice and we will be going to Toys R Us after the testing. Hayden already knows that he wants a Ben 10 watch.