Thursday, August 21, 2008

Christmas presents in August

With Hayden's birthday and Christmas only being a couple of weeks apart, he gets so many toys in December. When I am cleaning up from Christmas, I try and take a bunch of presents and put them up for him to open later in the year. He keeps asking when he gets his remote control pirate ship. So, we have used it as a bribe with all his therapy. Once he received enough stickers, he could have his pirate ship.

Today, he had earned enough and got his ship. Nothing like being able to use Christmas gifts for therapy rewards in August. I think the older he gets, the less likely I will be able to put his presents up for later in the year. But, I will enjoy it while I can.


Bob and Danya said...

Wow! Fun toy! Way to drag out that Christmas stuff! Brilliant idea!

Darce said...

Smart mom!!!!