The best part of my day was I was driving home tonight after a long day of errands, shopping and getting ready for Hayden's birthday party next week. I told Hayden that he was an amazing boy and I appreciated how cooperative and just wonderful he was today. Without hesitation, he looked at me and said, "Mom, you are amazing. I think you are the most amazing mom ever! I am glad you are my mom!"
I got tears in my eyes. I needed to hear that today and coming from my sweet precious son, it was the sweetest words I have ever heard. I am so blessed to have been given such a sweet spirit in my home. Hayden is so sweet and truly wants to make everyone happy. I can't believe how fortunate I am to have him. That is my bestest Christmas present!
oh, he is the sweetest kid. I love this story!
good boy for a good mom!
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