Ann, Jer, Thomas,Joyce, Shelly, Megan, Hayden, Scott, Jazmyne, Ashley & Rose
Scott & Shelly Murphy family
Shelly & Ashley
My niece, Ashley, was baptized this past weekend. I can honestly say that I have witnessed quite a number of baptisms in my life, between here and serving a mission. Ashley is the most excited person I have ever seen. She was so happy and filled with light.
I was blessed to be able to speak at her baptism. I spoke on what baptism means to each of us. I explained that when the Lord washes away our sins, it is as if we had never committed them. We get a new slate. I encouraged Ashley to be a good example and to strive to keep the covenants she made with her Savior. As I said this, I thought of Ashley and all she has been thru. She is a good girl with an amazing future ahead of her.
As she was baptized, she told me that she felt very heavy going into the water. As she came out, she felt so light. At that moment, I saw Ashley as a missionary, teaching and helping others to change their lives and follow our Savior. Whether or not Ashley decides to go on a full-time mission, will be determined at a later date. What I do know, is that I know Ashley will make a great missionary now as she changes her life and lives according to the principles of the gospel.
I am so lucky to get to be her Aunt. At church on Sunday, Thomas confirmed her a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. As he did this, my love for Ashley and my husband grew. I am so thankful for a family that has the truthfulness of the gospel. I am thankful for the gospel and its teachings in my life. I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that has prepared the way for us to return to him, if we but follow his path.
Thanks, Ashley for a reminder of all the things that I need to be re-committed at. Watching your smile, your glow and happiness, is something that has been etched on my heart forever.
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