Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pinewood Derby 2012

Car is built, final stickers put on, car weighed and final graphite added, and Hayden was definitely ready to race his masterpiece. "Flaming Knight Racer" was perfectly designed and the last stickers placed on the car moments before we left for the races.
Hayden waited with all the other cub scouts, hoping, dreaming and believing that his masterpiece would be the car to reckon with this year.
The boys were so fun to watch as they told each other the "great stories" of their cars creation from block of wood to the masterpieces that were sitting in front of them. They ooohed and ahead over carefully placed stickers, creative names and incredible designs. Within each of their hearts, they knew that their car was definitely the best, most loved and had to be fastest in the line up but they were so kind and supportive of each other. I smiled as I stood back and listened to their conversations.
I love this picture... Hayden is loving teasing Grandma Julie. He is so fun! His personality has developed into a teasing but very loving and caring tween.
As the cars were released and set into motion, Hayden breathed a deep sigh hoping he could will his extra hope and dreams into his masterpiece's will. Hayden's was in first place, the car on the far left. In experiencing the moment, I forgot to snap a picture, but his face was filled with awe and excitement as they announced, "Hayden Murphy has just come in first, receiving a score of 2.99" He about jumped out of his own skin, he was so thrilled with accomplishment and excitement!

Right after he put his car back up for the next heat and we were now being supportive and cheering on the other kids. Hayden sat and stared at the scoreboard, crossing his fingers, anxiously stared at the boards in anticipation that his name continue to stay in the first place position for the entire races. My response, "Hayden just enjoy racing. The chances of someone else beating you is so high. Just enjoy the moment, the beauty of the race, don't live in anticipation of the win, or the "what if" of success but savor the moment.

Brother Turley was fantastic at giving each of the boys a special award for their car. The "flaming knight" received the fastest flame award.

Hayden's was able to receive HIS grand moment. "The Flaming Knight" took first place on the first round and the only car to beat that first race, yep when the "Flaming Knight" beat its very own score in the final race down the racetrack! The winner received a HUGE bag of candy with each other boy's eyes wide with the dream of that much candy! Hayden loved all the boys cheering for him when he stood up to take first place. All of the boys were sitting by "the winner" and making the biggest deal over him. It was so great for Hayden!
In true Hayden fashion, right after the closing prayer, he hollered, "Hey everyone, come over here and we can share the candy. Hayden busted the bag open and smiled like crazy as he handed out a handful of candy to each cub scout and their siblings. He was definitely the "hero" in all the boys' eyes that day. I couldn't have prayed for a more perfect outlaying of events.
(P.S.- Good Job, Thomas! What we do without a wonderful dad to help create days like this perfect day? We love you and appreciate what a great dad you are, Thomas!)

1 comment:

Jodi Davis said...

WAY TO GO, HAYDEN!!! I wish I could have been there to see the win!