Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My favorite moment

If I had to pick a single favorite moment of my vacation, this would be it. Early Saturday morning, Thomas, Hayden and I went down to the beach early. It was so quiet on the beach. The rhythm of the ocean waves was so soothing. My heartbeat started to beat in time with the ocean waves breaking as they came in to the shore. A gentle breeze was blowing and the crisp beach air in the morning smelled refreshing and rejuvenating.

It was too cold for Hayden to venture into the ocean and he had spent over a week digging in the sand. I laid down on my blanket to read and Hayden came and laid his towel down next to me and asked what I was reading. I pulled out his book and told him that we could read A Wrinkle In Time together. As I laid on the blanket reading to Hayden, I remember thinking that this was my heaven. Spending time with my family, enjoying our Heavenly Father's wonderful creations and soaking in the moment.

I was seriously lost in the moment. 80 pages later, I looked up and realized that others had joined us on the beach... Suzi, Jodi's gang, Jake's and Josh's kids had joined us on the beach but Hayden and I were oblivious. We were in our own heaven and loved the precious time of just us enjoying the moment!
Oh how I love this boy and cherish the tender moments that we spend together.
As I look back on Oceanside 2012, this moment will be the one I cherish the most. My boy is growing up. He is becoming so independent. So fun. So loving. So grown up. I love the moments he chooses to still cuddle up to me and enjoy something with just his mom. Life is perfect.

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