Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Surprise visit

Best surprise ever! 

Sunday night as we were chilling on the couch, with Suzi, when the doorbell rang. I hear "surprise!" And little voices that I love. And then I heard my sister. Not only that, they had come for a slumber party. So so sweet. What a wonderful surprise. 

We talked and laughed and the kids played. After everyone went to bed, I hear a little knock on my door. Talmage was holding his big Shamu and Captain Hook. He said, "mommy said I could sleep with you." I knew she hadn't. I figured both she and Brigham had fallen asleep and he came to find us. He climbed into the middle of the bed with his friends. 

Thomas and I laughed that although a king bed is big, it feels rather small with both of us plus Tman plus his 2 stuffed friends and 2 puppies. It was tight quarters but so much fun. We loved sitting and talking to him. He is so funny and his personality is just precious. 

Brooklyn and Hayden hung out and talked on the couches for quite a while. I love the whispering and giggling and how much they have to talk about. 

The morning came with one by one the kids all congregating in our room. I love morning cuddles from these cute kids. 

We had a great day. Jodi and I even got a chance to go to Target without the rug rats. I love that they are getting old enough to leave. It was so fun helping Jodi with her Christmas shopping. We laughed and had a great time. 

The kids went to go get Chad but since he was sleeping, they were thrilled when Katie and Josh said they would go to the path with them. They played and played and then they came back and played Disney Apples to Apples. They had those kids laughing and having the best time. 

I love them living so close and how wonderful they are to our kids. 

Thomas came home and we rounded off the night with FHE and video games ith Thomas, Hayden and Chad. I observe. I hold the pups. I just listen and smile. I love the joy that feels our home. I love the smiles and laughter. I love all of the loved ones that fill our home and hearts wig love and joy. Life is blessed.  

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