Saturday, April 30, 2016

Most helpful

What is a girl to do when life just keeps going down hill? Pray, plead for help and ask friends to support you.

Yesterday, as I was unsure how to move forward, I tried to find solutions to my dilemmas that were plaguing my mind.

All of a sudden, the walls began to cave in, and Sherri Dove, my neighbor's mind came to mind. I texted to see if I could come over and didn't hear back. I remembered her saying to drop by anytime. So, for the first time in years, I went somewhere without an appointment.

Sherri was excited to see me. Genuinely happy that I was there.

We sat and talked for a long time. We talked of miracles. We talked of how to get the activity rate at church higher. We talked of prayer. We talked of being an answer to someone's prayer. We talked of showing kindness and love in the littlest ways.

Sherri asked me what some of my greatest kindnesses have been during this ordeal. I told her that of course, I appreciated the meals, the flowers, the gifts brought over, the yummy deserts and other grand gestures. But the ones that really made all the difference in the world were the small texts that came when I struggled the most.

I gave examples to explain my heart...

I told of yesterday, while sitting in the orthopedic surgeon's office that I received a text from one of my beloved mission companions. It simply said, "Jerlyn, are you okay? I am so worried about you." I responded that no, I was not okay. I had been told I needed surgery yet with my illness, surgery was not an option. And I told her that I would call her later. She responded. "I love you. I am here for you." My heart melted. My tears watered. In that small moment, I was broken and scared and all alone. I felt abandoned by all. Then, as quickly as those feelings came, they were replaced with those of love and appreciation for my dear friend. I was reminded that not only was she aware of me, my needs and my struggles, but so was my Savior. He was reminding me that he stood next to me, he sent someone to my aid and he would walk this new journey with me. Tears continued but for different reasons. I was not alone. My Savior was aware of my needs and sent an earthly friend to show his presence in my life.

Another was a few weeks back. Again, I was at a doctor's office and received horrible news. I was told to get dressed and meet the doctor in another room. I was scared and alone. I was frightened. I prayed for an answer. My phone immediately received a text from my visiting teacher. "Hi! I made you a loaf of homemade bread this morning. When can I drop it by?" Again, I was comforted knowing that I was not alone. My Savior again prompted those around me to come to my aid and comfort me.

There was another day that Hayden was gone, I was alone and I was so frightened. I was questioning if this disease was worth fighting. Ultimately, I would lose, so why not now. I was so overwhelmed with grief and uncertainty. Then a text came. "Jerlyn, I just want you to know how much I look up to you. I am going through my own set of challenges right now and am struggling to hold on. I watch you as you face really hard challenges that are meant to take your life. Yet you keep fighting. You love the Savior. You trust him. You give your all and just keep going. I want you to know that because you are continuing to fight, so will I. Thank you for your example of trusting our Savior and never giving up."  Tears fell as I realized that in this dear soul reaching out, they gave me and answer to my own struggles. Simply to keep trying.

The list goes on and on of how those have come to my aid with a text or simple phone call. The little texts offer as much power as the huge gestures, especially when combined with the message from my Savior that he is aware of my needs. The simple, "I thought of you this morning and wanted to let you know that I care" or "I just want you to know that I pray for you every day. I wish I could do more to help." Or, "I found myself thinking of you this morning and all the ways you have touched my life."

It took someone a few seconds or only a minute to type those text messages. It didn't require them to cook or clean or provide some huge, over the top, gesture. Simply a message reassuring me that I do not walk alone. That my Savior is aware of me and my needs. And that I am not alone. That I do have people around me that still care about me.

Those messages and countless others that I have received have made all the difference. They have given me hope. They have given me the courage to keep fight. They have re-issued my strength and have revived my will to fight. They have reminded me that my Savior is aware of my needs. And that he loves me. He sends others here to my aid to reassure me of his love and the love of those around me. What a priceless gift.

 In my opinion, it is the heartfelt and little gestures that have the most bang for the buck. They carry the message that my Savior lives, loves me and is aware of my needs. To me, that is the greatest gift anyone can give me.

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