I absolutely LOVED having her and her girls at the baptism and at Jodi's house afterwards. I loved that we were able to talk of Christ, the feelings that the Holy Ghost brings and different parenting strategies. Cati is one of the most Christlike people I know and she is ALWAYS giving service. She is such an inspiration to me.
So, I loved it that last night she was able to be there when I spoke on the Holy Ghost and all the different roles that he plays in our lives. Cati expressed to me afterwards how she felt such a tingling and overwhelming peaceful feelings while Brooklyn was being confirmed with the gift of the Holy Ghost. I loved that we were able to share what means so much to me.... my love of the Savior, the gift of the Holy Ghost and the peace, love and comfort that it brings to our lives and talk of the pathway back to our Father in Heaven. The feelings I felt when I was talking with her were so peaceful, so filled with love and hope. I know it is something that we will both cherish. I am so grateful for her friendship and the ways she makes me a better mom and follower of Christ.
One of my favorite conversations of the night was with her sweet daughter, Jessica (older). She came up to me after the baptism and said, "Jerlyn, I felt exactly the way you described when you were talking. When Brooklyn got the Holy Ghost, I felt Christ's love all around me." What a sweet little girl, one that I love. And, Tori, well she is about the cutest thing ever. She just smiled and smiled.
I am so thankful for wonderful friends! Every time I am with Cati, it makes me want to serve more. And, such a sweet bonus that she has such cute girls that I love to pieces.
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