Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tooth Fairy

Hayden lost his very LAST baby tooth. I look over and Hayden has a ziplock bag out and is writing a note to the tooth fairy. "This is my last tooth. Thank you. Goodbye." What a sweet boy. He was thanking the tooth fairy for her great service and knew that would be the end of their relationship. I couldn't let the baggie and note go, I had to "buy" it off of Hayden. Expensive trade. But priceless for me!

I cannot believe that our Tooth Fairy days are behind us. No more waiting excitedly for morning to see if money would be waiting, no more anticipation of how much each tooth was worth, no more blood, no more wiggling teeth, no more magical glitter notes. As I held this final note and tooth, I was sad to put the first of many childhood traditions behind us. I love where we are headed but semi-mourn the sunset on Hayden's precious childhood.

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