Sunday, September 29, 2013


Nothing like a best friend that never lets you down. 

There is nothing like someone loving you unconditionally and without any pretense and expectations. 

The security and comfort of a constant listening ear... Priceless. 

My heart is warmed each time I think of Max and the blessing he is for Hayden and our family. Our dear Savior knew how much Max would be needed during these transitions in our lives. He knew Hayden would need a buddy and confidant during so much change and uncertainty and craziness. 

We didn't have any idea that our world would turn upside down like it has. But our Savior did. He gave Hayden the greatest blessing of a friend. 

When I hold Max, I feel hope and love and peace. I know that although our lives feel crazy and scary and uncertain and out of control that our Savior is in charge. He will bring us safely through. Although the winds thrash, the storm rages, and all we can do is hold on and pray for calmer seas, we know our Savior is with us. He knew the storm was brewing. He knew the rocky waves and stormy winds and rain were getting ready to hit fiercely. He sent a blessing first. He sent Hayden someone to hold onto when the rocking boat and winds and rains feel like the storm will never end. He sent Max before the storm. 

And I know! I firmly believe! Our dear Savior will carry me, Thomas and Hayden through this storm and out safely on the other side. I see his hands, I feel his power and know that although the storm rages, he calms us. 

I love the quote: Sometimes God calms the storm and sometimes he lets the storm rage and he calms his child. 

Right now, in gentle and tender and loving ways, my Savior is calming me. He is calming Thomas and he is calming Hayden. When I look at this picture, I am comforted and reassured. 

Although I can't see past the storm right in front of me, He can. My Savior continues to guide us, help us, bless us and comfort us. I know he is working miracles in our lives that we cannot yet see or understand. But I trust him. Just as Max trusts us and loves us unconditionally. I will follow me trust my Savior. 

And each and every day and night I will thank him for sending my boy a best friend in Max to help calm him and comfort him. I am so very, very grateful. 

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