Friday, December 27, 2013

Cousins at Christmas

Love when all the family is together.

Love all the love that Hayden has in his cousins. The friendships. The everlasting bonds. The laughter. The security. I think because he is an only child, these relationships even matter more to me. Oh how I love how each of them love Hayden and make his life a better place.

I love that Hayden and Brooklyn have become the BEST of buds! I love the way they stick up for one another. I love the way they laugh, and talk and encourage and support one another. Oh how I hope and pray they will always stay close. They both bring such an added joy and element to each other's lives.

I love that Hayden still refers to Kaylee, Katelyn and Kiley as "my girls". He loves them all but differently. He absolutely, with all of his heart, idolizes Kaylee. He thinks she is hilarious. He loves the roughness about her. That she is a girl but can hang tough with any one of the boys. Katelyn and Hayden share a very tender relationship. They are there for one another. Comfort one another. Encourage and support the other. It is a gentler and more loving friendship. With Kiley, he is the big brother, and refers to her as Squishy still. He teases and laughs and jokes with her.

Brigham is Hayden's tender spot. He feels the need to be a role model to Brigham. To teach him. To help him. To understand him. To unconditionally love him. He adores Brigham and understands and shares some of Brigham's same struggles, challenges, insecurities and strengths. I refer to these two boys as my modern day Stripling Warriors. I am sure that Talmage will soon join them in ranks but for now it is my two that I look at with admiration and love of who they are, what they have already conquered and accomplished in their lives and cannot wait to remember who they were in the pre-existence. Those two, pretty amazing, I tell you.

Talmage and Hayden have a love/hate relationship. Hayden always tells me, I sure love that little guy but he annoys me at the same time. I have so much fun with him but don't like it when he breaks my things. Talmage and Hayden compete for my attention. They both want to sit close to me, on my lap, sleep with me and feel like they are number one. Oh silly boys, I love and adore you both. You both hold a very tender and special place in my heart. No worries. I have plenty of love for all of you.

Josh's kids are not around as much. Although Hayden really likes Braden and they are a lot alike. They both have funnier sense of humor. They enjoy Minecraft and legos and video games and talk constantly. If they saw each other more, they could be great friends. I think Hayden watches Casen from a distance. He loves when Casen and Kaylee play together and he can join in. I think he is still trying to find his place there. Austin has always been the most tender to Hayden, acknoledging him and saying hi. Although Dallin and Austin are in full teenage mode and little besides girls crosses their minds. I am grateful for all the ways that Dallin and Austin have influenced Hayden. From Dallin praying for Hayden when only five years old to Austin helping with the toy drive. They have both had positive influence in my boy's life. Brinley. How do I describe how Hayden feels about Brinley? He thinks she is absolutely ridiculous and spoiled rotten. He thinks that someone needs to teach her that she is not the boss. I think Hayden would always do the exact opposite of what Brinley wanted. He thinks it is crazy that she is so bossy. But then, out of the blue, he will smile at what she says or compliment her for thinking of others. Brinley teaches Hayden that sometimes you have to look deep to find the good. Not that it isn't there, just that it isn't how you are good or see good. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love and adore little miss Brinley. And I laugh at Hayden's view but see where he gets confused by her actions.

Even though JD's kids were not there Christmas Eve, they are important and crucial cousins in Hayden's life. Bryson and Hayden have fun together talking. Bryson thinks he is ten going on seventeen. He handles and holds his own with the much older cousins. Then there is Coby. Those two should have been brothers. They are so much alike. Coby absolutely loves and adores Hayden. I love it! He would rather be with Hayden than anything. They love Minecraft, legos, video games, building in the sand, prefer less people not more, they do their own thing at the beach and I love that they have one another. Both want to start a band. Hayden plays guitar, Coby drums, they both sing. They are probably the most alike, closest and bestest buds. I sure wish they lived closer as I think that Hayden and Coby would be best friends. Tanner is growing up. He is his own unique guy. I love and adore him. He just started this year to want to hang around the bigger boys. He is a cute kid and sure can demand an audience. Hayden thinks that when he gets older, they will have fun together.

Like I said, each of them have a unique and wonderful friendship. Hayden has learned valuable skills and traits from each of them. I am so so so grateful for the cousin friendships Hayden has. One of my most treasured and cherished blessings.

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