Saturday, April 6, 2013

Talmage and the Temple

Jodi took me to Seagull book earlier today to get me out of the house. I had a great time just talking to Jodi and the sun beating down on us as we drove the car. I walked around Seagull book and found a great new book to read. And the perfect gift for a friend.

When we walked outside to the car, Talmage spotted the temple. He kept saying, "I want to go to the temple. I want to see Jesus." Jodi drove him around the entire temple, but that was not enough. When he realized she was leaving without him getting to go in, he had a complete and utter meltdown with gator sized tears.

He kept saying over and over, "But I want to see Jesus. I want to go inside the temple. I want to play with Jesus."

Jodi pulled into the parking lot and looked over at me and knew I would never make it. I was exhausted. I looked back at Talmage and he was just begging to go inside and see Jesus. How do you deny that sweet and tender request?

I said a silent prayer. I knew how important this was for Talmage. As I stepped out of the car, the strength to walk came. As I walked into the visitor's center, the pain left my body. My prayer was answered and I was given the strength so Talmage could have his sweet tender heart renewed.

Talmage walked over to Jesus, and Jodi lovingly talked to him about Jesus and the nail prints. He stood for a minute but he didn't want the statue, he wanted to see his Savior and friend. He missed him so much and was aching for that sweet reunion.

Talmage started running from room to room, opening each door, walking in, looking around and could not find the Savior. When he made it to the back of the visitor's center, he looked outside and saw the temple. He raced outside, pointing and saying, "I want to go in there. That is where Jesus is."

Jodi took him outside and loving taught him about the temple. She taught him about how that the special feeling he was feeling was the Holy Ghost, he had found Jesus in his heart. She taught that while on this earth we feel Jesus with our hearts on the inside and do not get to see him with our eyes.

Talmage was happy. He felt his Savior. And although he didn't understand and was disappointed that he didn't get to run into our Savior's arms, he did feel him.

As Jodi told him it was time to go, he sweetly asked if we could go get Brooklyn, Brigham and Hayden and come back. He wanted them to all experience the love and tenderness and spirit that he had felt while in the temple visitor center.

I have spent so much time thinking about those precious few moments. My little three year old nephew taught me some valuable lessons. I should spend my life searching, really searching to find my Savior, to follow him and do all I can to be with him and have his spirit with me.

Sweet Talmage, I love that you remember and know who you are, which is a son of God. Jesus is indeed your older brother, your friend and Savior. He loves us all. You taught your Aunt Jer so much because of your great desire to see Jesus. Nothing should stop us from seeking him. We should also take every opportunity to spend time with him. There is definitely nothing more important that that. Thank you for the sweet reminder. I love you buddy!

Jodi, if you ever doubt you are a good mom, remember this moment. You stopped what you had planned to help your sweet son search for his Savior, older brother and friend. When it all comes down to it in life, what else matters. As I listened to you teach Talmage today, I was in awe of you and the incredible mother that you are to your children. They are each lucky to have you. What a precious moment for all of us.

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