Sunday, May 24, 2015

Play Day

When Brooklyn and Jodi came and stayed the night, Brooklyn chose to go to Flipside. Perfect. I could actually go with them. Jodi and I sat on the couches in the air conditioned place. Jodi bought both kids an unlimited 3 hour pass. They played mini bowling, lazier tag, laser mazes, bumper cars and more. They smiled and laughed and talked. 

Jodi and I sat back and talked and talked. I love every precious moment I get with my sister. She is amazing. She is so supportive and helps me see the good I do. 

It melts my heart. I love that my boy and my sweet niece are such great friends. I rememeber them fighting and thinking they would never like one another. Jodi and I used to laugh that within the first five minutes together we could tell if it would be nonstop fighting or they would get along. Crazy. Now it's laughter and fun and talking and keeping secrets. It's uplifting and building and encouraging. I could have never imagined how much these would have changed. 

I loved the weekend with my sister, son and niece. Life is good!

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