Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Thomas found out late on Friday that he didn't need to work on Saturday. I was so excited to have a family day together and wanted to make the most out of it. We decided to get up early Saturday morning, surprise Hayden and go to the zoo.

We arrived at the zoo early, before it opened. Hayden was so excited! He played with the Geico guy and even got a free ticket inside. I sure love his enthusiasm for life! Once inside, we went straight to the Monkey encounter. He loves monkeys and we spent over a half of an hour playing with the monkeys. He asked the zoo workers more questions than I could have thought of.

Then, he was off to ride a camel with his dad. He wasn't sure when he got there because he said they smelled. But, he sure was glad he did it.

We actually had the opportunity to feed the giraffes. Amazing experience! He loved it! I loved it.

I couldn't believe how close we were to the giraffes or how much time we actually got to spend with them. Definitely a must do again! One of the highlights of our day!

After walking the entire zoo, riding the tram, petting the goats, and eating churros, we ended the day at the Stingray Bay.

Hayden has been swimming with the stingrays so I didn't know if he would be all that interested. Boy, was I wrong. We spent over an hour at this exhibit alone.

Hayden had a stingray that kept coming up to him and looked like it was giving him a high five everytime around the tank. So fun! Hayden loved it!

Then, one of the workers came out. Hayden asked her a million questions. They discussed sharks that were friends of stingrays, their natural enemies and how curious the stingrays were. She was quite taken with Hayden and impressed with his knowledge of sea life and animals.

The best was when I looked over and Hayden is going head first into the water with the stingrays. He tried reaching a little too far in and he was soaked. Thomas scooped him up, right as his head hit the water. Too funny! I love how many expressions Hayden has. He was explaining what he was thinking as he was going in.

It was such a great day! There is nothing I love more than spending time together as a family!

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