Thursday, April 1, 2010

My sweet boy

Grandma Julie sent Hayden a hundred dollar bill for Easter. Hayden was estatic! It was magical to him, as it was his first hundred dollar bill!

Hayden was talking to me and Thomas tonight about what he should spend his money on. He said, "Mom, I have been thinking about how I want to spend my money. I could use the money for the kids in the hospital or I could use the money to buy people food. Should I spend all of it on other people or could I use a little bit on me too!"

He decided the best thing to do was to call Julie and discuss it with her. They decided that half should be spent on others and half on himself, after coaxing from Julie that it was okay for him to buy himself something.

I am so proud of my boy! He is always putting the needs of others first. He has decided that he wants to buy food with half of it and then will probably buy himself a DS game.

Julie runs an organization, Heart to Heart, which provides food to those struggling to make it. Hayden has decided to go down to SCC with Julie and take his food donations. He will get to ride in the golf cart, help her pick up other donations, and then help stock the shelves of the food pantry. He is really excited!

I am so happy that he has a tender spirit that he immediately thinks how he can help instead of just thinking of himself. I am very proud of my little guy and the steps he is taking to make a difference in this world. Thanks, Julie, for helping to turn this into an incredible experience for Hayden!


Jodi Davis said...

If I call her Grandma Julie too will she send me a $100 bill? And, yes, Hayden is so thoughtful. Love that kid.

Darce said...

wow! what a sweet guy!

Jamie Jo said...

Wow. You have done a FANTASTIC job parenting if your son wonders who he should spend his money on. I'm impressed.