Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I've been tagged

8 things I am passionate about:
-My family
-Hayden's Toy Drive
-My relationship with Christ
-Finding a cure for Hayden both with his health and with the SPD
-My nieces and nephews

8 books I have read:
-The Peacegiver
-The Holy Secret
-The Out of Sync Child
-The Book of Mormon
-Mary, Martha and me
-Magic School Bus Series (every night, they are Hayden's favorites)
-Boxcar Children (I can't wait to read these to Hayden and him not fall asleep)
-Strangling your husband is not an option & The Parenting Breakthrough(I was at Time out for Women and loved Merilee Boyack)

8 things I say:
-"come here"
-"Augh! Frustrating"
-I guess I growl a lot, Hayden has picked it up and does it all the time.

8 qualities of a friend:
-Someone to laugh with
-Plays games
-Encourages me to be a better person

8 things I have learned in the past year:
-I love blogging.
-I wouldn't survive without my friends.
-I am not in control, the Lord is; when I try not to fight this, my life goes much smoother.
-The Lord gives me what I need, not necessarily what I want.
-Hayden is the biggest joy in life.
-I have a better day and am more patient when I start off my day reading the scriptures.
-I have an amazing husband... I always knew this, just re-affirmed.

8 things I want to do before I die:
-Play with my grandkids
-Serve a mission with Thomas
-Write a book
-See a play on Broadway
-Go on a 7 day Disney cruise (Loved the 3 day and can't wait to go back)
-Pick up Hayden off a mission and visit the people he taught.
-Establish Hayden's charities to provide scholarships for future pediatric heart surgeons, fund heart camps and help fund research for pediatric heart problems.
-Help find a cure or remedies for autism

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray! You responded. :)