Monday, April 6, 2009

Sweet Spirit

We have been lucky enough to have the missionaries in our home the past couple of weeks. I love the Spirit that comes when we are talking with the missionaries. It takes me back to the days that I was a missionary and having the Holy Ghost help me to witness to others at the truthfulness of the gospel and the divinity of our Savior.

I love having all of us gather together and be taught about the gospel of Jesus Christ. I cherish these moments we can spend together learning of our Savior and his plan for us.

Thomas and I took Hayden, Taylor, Ann and Trevor to the Easter Pagaent at the temple this week. I absolutely loved it. I loved how it explained not only the Savior's role in our lives, his life but also the why we needed a Savior. It was amazing. Hayden was full of questions and understood meanings so much more deeply than I could have imagined. Taylor loved it and learned a lot. And, Ann and Trevor enjoyed the message and being on the temple grounds. I enjoyed us all being there together.

I am thankful for the tender moments we can spend together as a family learning about the Savior and all he has done for us.

1 comment:

Connie said...

Few things as sweet as the spirit of full-time missionaries. I'm sure you have some wonderful memories and touched many lives, you sweetie, you!