Monday, February 14, 2011

Ma'Kayla is HOME!

We are all so grateful for all of the prayers, fasting and service that was given during the time Ma'Kayla was in the hospital. The doctors are all in awe of Ma'Kayla's quick and miraculous recovery. Not only is her liver rejuvenating itself, it is doing so at an incredible speed. The doctors and nurses are unable to explain the turn around except that a miracle was performed.

A week ago Thursday, my dad and Casey administered a priesthood blessing to Ma'Kayla. The mood that night at the hospital was so very sad as each of us could feel Ma'Kayla slipping from this world. Ma'Kayla had been unresponsive and the doctors had said that although she needed a liver transplant that she wouldn't survive one. After the priesthood blessing was given and the power of heaven was drawn down, Ma'Kayla started to improve. Day after day, they would see small improvements and more shock from the doctors as test results started coming back better and better. A week and a half later, beyond any best expectations the doctors could have hoped for, little Ma'Kayla is at home and resting. She still has a way to go to get back to her 5 year old spunky little self, but she is well on her way.

I know that the Lord can and does perform miracles today. Ma'Kayla is living proof of that. I am not sure what Ma'Kayla's mission is here on this earth, but Hayden is right, she must have an important work to do, since the Lord stepped in and allowed her to live.

I am so grateful for the power that priesthood blessings bring to those receiving them. I know that thru priesthood blessings that miracles can and do occur on the earth today. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing Ma'Kayla, and our entire family, to experience one of his miracles. I know this entire experience has strengthened my testimony in the Savior and His power to perform miracles. I hope Ma'Kayla will always know that her Heavenly Father and Savior love her and she uses this experience to ground her own faith and testimony in them.


Kenna said...

I am so glad to hear that she is doing well! YAY!!!

Kris Hannah said...

This is just amazing. I am so happy for your family. Thank you for sharing your testimony.

d.a.b.e said...

Wow! I am such a cry baby. That brought me to tears. But that is so moving to hear that she was so close to death and is now at home. Isnt it such a blessing and a miracle in itself to have the priesthood power amongst us for times like this with Ma'Kayla and for any other reason!!! So happy to hear the amazing news! And so happy for your family.

Bob and Danya said...

That is such fantastic news! I'm so happy for their family and for you! Yay!

Pallets and Pearls said...

wow thanks for sharing that amazing story. Sometimes I get wrapped up in life and forget what's really important. That was a good reminder. I'm so glad she is home and doing good. And you are raising one great kid!!

Jamie Jo said...

The Priesthood rocks!!!!!! Yay! I'm so happy for your miracle.