Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hospital update

Hayden did great today at the hospital. I was so calm it was amazing. The priesthood blessing that Thomas and my dad gave Hayden last night promised all would be well and I was amazingly calm and peaceful.

Grandma Bonnie gave Hayden fake teeth to scare the doctors with, so he went in with these horrible ugly teeth on, but he thought he was hilarious.

He underwent the anestesia well and the testing went a lot quicker than I planned on. He had a hard time coming out and I felt horrible when he just kept crying and saying, "I hate this place. I want to go home".

Jodi and I did laugh at him on the way home. He kept saying, "They took my memories!" He was so angry at them. He loves his hospital, but said, "I hate MY hospital" over and over. He also complained that his brain was hurting. I think I laughed the hardest when he said, "That's it, no more toys for that hospital". I guess he was done with them today.

Once we were home he was a lot better. Although while still groggy, he ran into the bathroom door and I then put him on the toilet and he fell off, even with me standing there. Poor kid. It was a rough day, but he is doing great!

I love Hayden to death. Now that he is fully awake he is laughing about it and is very happy that his memories have returned. I am so thankful today went so well.


Chris said...

Thanks for the update! Hayden - you are my number ONE superhero! even above my 2 favorites Superman and Batman!

Monroe Family said...

I am so glad everything went well. I love when he said "no more toys for this place." So cute!!


I am so glad to hear that things went well!

Jamie Jo said...

That made me laugh and tear up at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I totally missed this entire thing. What was the surgery for? Glad to hear it went well!

Jodi Davis said...

He is such a crack up that kid. Man do I love him. I will never forget his "they took my memories away" line. I felt so bad for him, but I must say he was pretty funny! Glad you are feeling better, Hayden!