Sunday, March 15, 2009

Deep Cleaning

I have spent the last several days completely deep cleaning my house. I pulled all of Hayden's spring/summer clothes out and am boxing up his winter clothes to sell. Cleaned out closets, de-junked and eliminated tons of trash and containers for donations.

I think we are going to put our house up for sale. We have been debating what to do. But, we can purchase another house for so inexpensive that if our house would sell, we could be so much better off. I guess we will put it up and put it in the Lord's hands.

I would love to lower our mortgage and have more money to spend on therapy for Hayden. There are so many programs out there that could help him but they are all so costly.

With Obama's budget cuts, I am not sure how or when we are going to get Hayden qualified for DDD assistance. Isn't life funny, I spent the last year trying to get the diagnosis, so we could get the help and now that we have the diagnosis, they cut the programs. Oh well. We are trying to creatively find solutions to help Hayden. Hopefully, we will be able to get some of the services thru the school system.

Have I mentioned lately how much I love this little boy? He is such a joy and so sweet. I would gladly move to a smaller house if I could help him in any way. So, I will do the work and then if it is the right decision, I guess our house will sell.


Jamie Jo said...

You're such a good mom, Jer. And you are right to have the faith that what the Lord wills is what will happen. He knows what Hayden needs and I'm sure things will work out for the best. Stay strong. And have fun cleaning.

Jodi Davis said...

Just stop it. I don't want you to move because you will never come see me.