Sunday, March 29, 2009

YW Broadcast

Last night, I was honored to hear President Monson speak to the young women. I love listening to President Monson, hearing is stories and letting his sweet influential parables touch my heart. As I sat with Ann and Taylor and heard the messages by all the wonderful speakers, I was blessed to feel the great love our Father in Heaven has for His daughters.

I looked at both of these girls and felt the unconditional love that our Heavenly Father has for them. They are incredible girls with such sweet spirits. And, although it isn't always easy, I am thankful to have these wonderful girls in my life. I am thankful for all the things they are teaching me. Heavenly Father is using them to help me to develop into the daughter he needs me to be. More patient, more compassionate, more understanding and accepting. Through these girls, he is teaching me the love and potential that he sees in me, just like I see in them.

Listening to our sweet prophet, made me want to better my life, try harder, do more and become the best that I can be. I pray that the sweet messages that were delivered will be lasting to the girls and help them to discover who they truly are: daughters of our Heavenly Father.

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