Saturday, October 31, 2009


I feel so grateful this morning. I wake up some mornings, look back over the course of events of the past couple of days, and feel so much gratitude.

The Lord is always there for me. I can always count on that. Whenever I have a big decision in my life or struggles going on, I am always assured of His presence. It is not a question for me. I KNOW he is and will always be there for me.

It is when I look at the little things in my life that I am amazed. It is his tender mercies on the small, insignificant stuff that truly amazes me. It is then, that I feel more like his child, more importantly, I know I am his daughter. I know that he is there for me to make my day to day life better. And, for that reassurance and reminder, I am truly grateful!

Trunk or Treat?

What kid does not want to go Trunk or Treating? We had to drag Hayden. His response after I was trying to get him to go, "Mom, so I walk around the parking lot, go to each person's car and they give me candy. Mom, are you forgetting something? I don't really like candy. Why would I want to go walk around in the cold and have to talk to people I don't know so I can get candy? I thought I wasn't susposed to do that?"

Most of the night, he sat by the car. I gave him Air Heads Extremes and he just sat in the chair. At one point I hear, "Mom, problem here! I look over and Hayden is glowing. Yep, he ate the glow stick. Lovely. By the way, those sticks are non-toxic according to poison control.

Thomas sat in a chair, perfectly still, until a little trick or treater tried to reach in for candy. Poor kids, they were terrified of him.

I wanted to have couple costumes, but Thomas will only be someone scary. Thomas is totally opposed to Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. I thought it would have been fun!

sBOOghetti Party

Hayden's school puts on a sBOOghetti party every year at lunch for Halloween. It is the FUNNEST event and the kids love it!

Everyone dresses in their Halloween costumes and BJ's caters in a spaghetti lunch. There are pumpkin contests, costume parades, arts & crafts, pumpkin bowling and all kinds of fun activities. The kids favorite part... that the stage is theirs. They have light saber battles, perform gymnastic routines, dance and goof off. It is their moment to let loose and just be kids at the school, without the structure and rules. They LOVE it!

Hayden insisted that I dress up this year! Me and my boy had a great time!

Lucas and Hayden

Hayden and Joey

Judging from the costumes at the school, they are all in to Star Wars this year. Hayden made one cute looking Luke Skywalker!

Carving Pumpkins

I love that the tradition was started that the boys do pumpkins together. I love that my only job is to take pictures and help clean up. I love watching Hayden and Thomas interact and create masterpieces together. I love that Hayden gets so excited because he knows this is a Daddy night. Some traditions are just so perfect!

Hayden is so in to Star Wars right now. And, he is such a themed kid. If he was going as Luke Skywalker for Halloween, the pumpkin had to match. The finished product, a light saber battle. What a perfect pumpkin and more importantly, a perfectly happy boy!

Ann created her own cat and it turned out great!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Awards Ceremony

Hayden won two awards at the Awards Ceremony today for Citizenship and Homework! I am so proud of him! He tries so hard to be kind to everyone!!! They had a movie day at the school and they could go for 25 cents. Some kids didn't bring money, so Hayden brought his own extra money so he could pay for anyone that their parents didn't give them money.

He is always thinking of others. I love that about him! I am so proud that he is so thoughtful and caring. Way to go, Hayden!!!

Autism improvement

I am having phenomenal results with new all natural alternatives and my boy. I was very leary at first when I heard that they were having success with Autism. I am happy to say that after a month or so, I am truly amazed at the progress.

The progress may be baby steps to anyone else, but to a mom of an autistic child, these baby steps are life-changing.

Positive changes:
Making eye contact!
Will carry on a conversation... not just talking at us, but with us!
Tactile issues have been much lessened.
Freaking out over tags and everything feeling funny has dramatically decreased.
He is sleeping through the night.
Instead of fighting for hours at bedtime and patting, he is falling asleep in a reasonable amount of time.
Waking up HAPPY!!!
School work is improving.
Handwriting is improving.
More than anything, he feels better.

I am a HUGE fan!!!

Life is good!

Birthday Party

Lucas, Joey and Hayden have been friends for a long time. They are so goofy together!

Hayden is getting quite the schedule. He was invited to three birthday parties on Saturday. Lucky boy! We made it to the first at Chuck E. Cheese. Lucas was celebrating his birthday. It was crazy noisy. Tons and tons of kids and birthday parties. Hayden made it about an hour and a half and he was done with the chaos. I don't blame him, it was pretty crazy in there! I love that he can tell me when he has had enough!

Schnepf Farms

October traditions at our house definitely include at least one trip to Schnepf Farms. Luckily, it is so close, and we love it. Add in half price Thursdays, and it is the best fall tradition. We always take Brooklyn, too.

The kids love the pony rides, the swings, the pig races and the animals. Thomas loves the bbq. I love the atmosphere and seeing their sweet little faces as they brave the goats and muster up the courage to ride the roller coaster. I love their intentness while they are trying to pick the perfect pumpkin.

I most of all love the tradition and the memories that come at this time of year!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Thomas bought us tickets to see Grease for our anniversary. We went last night and loved it.

I was sitting at the play, throughly enjoying just being with Thomas and I wondered why we don't make the time to do this more often. I loved going out to dinner and to the play with him. I need to leave Hayden more.

Grease has always been one of my favorite movies, I love musicals. This play was so fun and enjoyable! What a great get-a-way!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Baby Talmage

It has felt like the longest week since Talmage was born. I was dying to get to hold him and see him. I finally got to meet the little guy this weekend. Jodi and Troy got home at about 10:30pm Friday night and Suzi, Katie and I headed over.

He is absolutely ADORABLE!!!! Oh, how I am in love with him already. I spent most of yesterday holding him. He is perfect.

I don't care what anyone says, he keeps smiling at me. I love him! I am soooo happy to have another baby in the family and this guy is the perfect one.


Hayden has been quite the crack up lately. I can't remember half the things I wanted to write down, so I am going to try and capture a few.

On the way back from dinner the other day, Hayden starts talking about when Megan was disecting a baby pig. He says, "Mom, I know what Megan discovered when she cut open the pig... that his bottom was actually a ham!"

Hayden comes in the room the other day with something in his hand. I ask him what it is. He explains that he found a dead grasshopper, so he decided to disect it. Gross.

We were at a restaurant and it was Hayden's turn to order. He says very loudly, I want pig. I like pig parts much better than cow parts. Thanks, Hayden, I don't think anyone else in the restaurant is as hungry now.

Hayden absolutely loves baby Talmage. However, he has a hard time remembering Talmage so refers to him as "Baby Carnage". Great. I don't think Jodi and Troy are a big fan of Hayden's nickname.

I LOVE having a 7 year old that is all boy!

Katie Sue

Katie came and hung out Friday and Saturday. I absolutely loved her being here. She is so much fun. We hung out, chatted, went to Costa Vida, played Ticket to Ride & Shanghai and when Jodi got home from Utah at 10:30pm, we raced to Jodi's to hold baby Talmage.

I loved being able to catch up with Katie. We laughed yesterday when Talmage spit up on Katie, she hated it. Jodi, Suzi and I sat and laughed about all the times when Katie had done all those disgusting things to us.

I can't wait for her to come back. Now that she is in college here, I think I can entice her over with a home-cooked meal.

Monday, October 12, 2009


We had so much fun in Kingman. I absolutely love Thomas' brother's family and love spending time with them.

Here are random pics from the weekend.

Hayden and Jazzy watching TV. They were so wiped out from all the events and fun. Poor kids, they crashed watching Scooby Doo.

Jazzy and Ann.

Megan, Ashley and Ann getting ready for the baptism. The girls had so much fun together.

Uncle Scott and Hayden - Hayden absolutely loves them all.

Ashlee's Baptism

The Murphy gang
Ann, Jer, Thomas,Joyce, Shelly, Megan, Hayden, Scott, Jazmyne, Ashley & Rose

Scott & Shelly Murphy family

Shelly & Ashley

My niece, Ashley, was baptized this past weekend. I can honestly say that I have witnessed quite a number of baptisms in my life, between here and serving a mission. Ashley is the most excited person I have ever seen. She was so happy and filled with light.

I was blessed to be able to speak at her baptism. I spoke on what baptism means to each of us. I explained that when the Lord washes away our sins, it is as if we had never committed them. We get a new slate. I encouraged Ashley to be a good example and to strive to keep the covenants she made with her Savior. As I said this, I thought of Ashley and all she has been thru. She is a good girl with an amazing future ahead of her.

As she was baptized, she told me that she felt very heavy going into the water. As she came out, she felt so light. At that moment, I saw Ashley as a missionary, teaching and helping others to change their lives and follow our Savior. Whether or not Ashley decides to go on a full-time mission, will be determined at a later date. What I do know, is that I know Ashley will make a great missionary now as she changes her life and lives according to the principles of the gospel.

I am so lucky to get to be her Aunt. At church on Sunday, Thomas confirmed her a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. As he did this, my love for Ashley and my husband grew. I am so thankful for a family that has the truthfulness of the gospel. I am thankful for the gospel and its teachings in my life. I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that has prepared the way for us to return to him, if we but follow his path.

Thanks, Ashley for a reminder of all the things that I need to be re-committed at. Watching your smile, your glow and happiness, is something that has been etched on my heart forever.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

What a boy

Hayden absolutely loves to jump on the tramp. The weather has started to cool down, so when he asked to go jump on the tramp, I said great! Little did I know the sprinklers were on, or that he wanted to get soaking wet.

I hear a screaming, "Mooooommmmmm!" I come running and what does he want??? A towel or blanket, he is fReeZinG CoLd. You think, buddy! It isn't summer anymore. What do I do, grab the camera. He looked so cute!

I did draw a nice warm bath and he soaked for an hour, nice and warm. I love this boy!


Hayden and Joey have been friends since they were 3 years old. They started preschool together and have been together in the same classes ever since.

I picked Joey up last Saturday morning and took the boys to Chuck E Cheese, where they played for 2 1/2 hours. They were not ready to be done. I brought them over and they had a late night. Joey's mom picked him up before bed. They had the best time... played Star Wars Wii game, Star Wars legos, light sabers and coregraphed the coolest light saber fight for the talent show at school.

I love seeing having so much fun with his friends!

Little Missy Brooklyn

Brooklyn turned 6 years old. Wow! Time goes by so fast! I sure love my little miss. She may be Jodi's little girl, but I claim her as my own. She has brought so much joy to my life.

I love this picture of Brooklyn. We could call Hayden the toy whisperer. He ALWAYS picks the perfect toy and favorite birthday gift. He always nails it perfectly. What a gift!

Grandparents Day

Hayden had Grandparents Day at school. He wanted Grandpa to come. Grandpa and Grandma Bonnie came. They showed up with a dozen cheeseburgers, three dozen Krispy Kremes and a goodie bag with SuperHeroes for Hayden. He was the absolute hit of the school.

Thanks, Dad! Hayden loved having you at the school!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Talmage Troy

Jodi's new baby is here, he is only minutes old! She looks so happy! Welcome to the world, little guy, I am dying to meet you!

Born 10/7 at around 7pm. Details to follow.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Conference Weekend

I love conference weekend. I love the idea of being in my jammies all day and getting to watch conference on tv. I love the talks.

This year, Jodi, Suzi, Brooklyn and Briggy all spent the night on Saturday night. We had fun playing games and chatting while the guys were at Priesthood session. I love playing games and especially love playing them with Suzi and Jodi! I love watching the kiddos playing together.

Sunday morning we got up and had a birthday party for Brooklyn. I can't believe she is 6 years old. I love her and her spunky little personality. I love that her and Hayden are becoming such good friends.

I loved the talks, the inspiration and the renewal of my desire to try to do what is right. I LOVED Elder Bednar's talk and appreciated his honesty and his realness that there isn't just one time of a "perfect" FHE or great discussion that kids remember. It is the consistency and trying, in spite of our failed attempts, that teach our children. I am so thankful for that talk.

I loved President Monson's sweet talk on service. I am grateful for this gospel, for inspired leaders and a loving Heavenly Father that loves me, encourages me and inspires me. I am so thankful for my renewed energy to try harder, be better and do more in living up to what and who the Lord knows I can be. What a rejevenating weekend!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Yesterday was a nightmare! We had to leave the house at 6:30 am for a CT scan.

Poor Hayden, he hates hospitals. The entire way there, he kept asking if they were going to do the IV with a J-tip. (Sad, that he knows the name of the different IV techniques). Since it was Banner Desert instead of PCH, I didn't know what to expect.

Poor Hayden, he was dehydrated, so they had a hard time getting IV's in, he was so sad, crying into me. I hated seeing him so upset. He looked at me with those big blue eyes, and pleaded with me for the hurt to stop. My heart broke as I could do nothing for him. I couldn't take it away, not the pain or the hurt, even though I was there.

At that moment, I was taken back to a time not so long ago that I was on my knees, begging my Heavenly Father to take my pain away. I remember feeling His presence, feeling him near, but the pain inside hurting so badly. I was blessed to be able to see the love my Heavenly Father had for me. As I held Hayden, I did everything I could to soothe him, and comfort him. I was there, as the Lord is always there for me. I am so grateful for this knowledge of a loving parent, that loves me and wants to make things better for me.

Hayden survived. It wasn't fun. He had a really long day. But, in the end, all is okay.

Ann's Birthday

Ann turned 19 yesterday! We had a great birthday celebration. She had the day off of work and got to hang out with Trevor. She loved it!

We got her a new set of scriptures and all the markers and bag to go with them. She also, got clothes and shoes. How can you turn 19 and not get a new outfit.

Jodi was a doll and brought over cupcakes and gift card to Cheesecake. Yummy!

Happy Birthday, Ann! We love you! You are a wonderful teenager, for one more year!