Saturday, October 31, 2009

sBOOghetti Party

Hayden's school puts on a sBOOghetti party every year at lunch for Halloween. It is the FUNNEST event and the kids love it!

Everyone dresses in their Halloween costumes and BJ's caters in a spaghetti lunch. There are pumpkin contests, costume parades, arts & crafts, pumpkin bowling and all kinds of fun activities. The kids favorite part... that the stage is theirs. They have light saber battles, perform gymnastic routines, dance and goof off. It is their moment to let loose and just be kids at the school, without the structure and rules. They LOVE it!

Hayden insisted that I dress up this year! Me and my boy had a great time!

Lucas and Hayden

Hayden and Joey

Judging from the costumes at the school, they are all in to Star Wars this year. Hayden made one cute looking Luke Skywalker!

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