Saturday, November 21, 2009

My reality

For some reason, that is completely unclear or unbelievable to me, I have been receiving all kinds of calls and questions on dealing with autism and how to help. I don't know how my name got out there, I am not an expert by any means. I am a mom. Plain and simple. I am a mom of a boy that has many challenges medically, developmentally and nuerologically. I try hard to seek out answers for him and I try to figure out what paths help him. I try hard to find an all natural alternative to medication, but when he is sick, I definitely seek out medical help.

We deal with all kinds of therapists including speech, occupational and physical and numerous school specialists. We deal with essential oil specialists, all natural and homeopathic doctors, developmental pediatricians and psychologists and of course Hayden's regualar pediatrician, cardiologist and nuerologist. Through all these different people and specialists, I am trying to find what works for Hayden and how to help him best.

I feel completely unexperienced to give or pass on advice to others, each day is a trial and error at our house. We try a lot of things that don't work. I try to take it in stride, cross it off and move on to the next thing. We have been a lot of places and tried a lot of things. I am very thankful that so many treatments have worked and taught me so many valueable lessons.

I feel very blessed and guided in the alternatives we have tried that have worked. I have felt the Lord's hand guide me to where I need to go and what treatments I need to try. And, although they haven't all worked out, I have met some amazing people along the way that have led me to new alternatives.

I have had a few requests lately that my blog document the journey we are undertaking. These are people that are going through similar journeys of their own. They are trying some of the things that we are. They are dealing with and trying to find hope and joy in their adventures. They are asking that I share the realities more.

I don't want anyone to misinterpet what I am trying to do. Hayden is my world. I am so grateful for him and a loving Heavenly Father that has entrusted him to my care. Hayden has brought more joy and happiness to my life than I could have ever dreamed of or hoped for.

That being said, some everyday activities are monumental in our house. The simplest tasks take more effort, more coordinating and more thought as to how to accomplish them with the least effect on Hayden. Just planning the littlest details make the biggest difference.

From here on out, I am going to try and document my reality to help others who are walking a similar path understand that they are not alone. There are a lot of other moms out there trying to do the same, which is create the best life for their children as possible. My reality is this, I know I couldn't walk this path alone. But, thankfully the Lord has provided a way, not only for me, but each of us. He walks my path with me daily. I know he does. I am aware of his presence in my life. And, it is because of him that I am able to have the strength, hope and faith to walk this road.

I know that Hayden will conquer is challenges. He is an amazing boy with an absolutely amazing spirit. He is loved greatly by his Heavenly Father. I see heaven in his eyes. I am absolutely humbled that the Lord would entrust me with one of his very most special spirits. I am grateful for Hayden and an amazing husband to take this journey with. This is our story. Our life.


Pallets and Pearls said...
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Pallets and Pearls said...

Hayden is such a strong little boy. And has a great mom to help him through everything!

Connie said...

Such dedication is impressive, friend! I've no doubt you will inspire and help many traveling a similar path!

Monroe Family said...

You are inspiring! I have always appreciated reading your blog...I try to be more open with my feelings on my blog just like you. I know one day you will be so glad you wrote all this down!