Thursday, May 10, 2012

Easter at the Simonton's

Easter with all the Simonton's on Saturday was a lot of fun! It was a little less busy this year, more talking, less doing. Basically, we ate a wonderful ham dinner, enjoyed lots of talking and catching up, the cousins played, ate, talked, hid the eggs for the kids, had our traditional egg hunt and just had a great time!
Grandpa and Grandma Bonnie brought a basket with a egg for each grandchild in it. One by one, starting with Dallin, each grandchild picked an egg. With eager anticipation, they did some type of good luck call, and then cracked open their egg. Each egg contained a prize, varying from $10 to $25 each.
I love Hayden's expression as he cracked his open... He scored with 2 $10 bills and 1 $5 bill. He was thrilled that he received the $25 and thought he was "hot stuff" for picking the "JACKPOT" egg.
Hayden ran over and gave Grandpa a hug, which I clearly missed. He sure loves his grandpa.
The kids all standing in anticipation as they took turns picking out the perfect egg and hoping to hit the jackpot.
Mr. Hayden scored a bucket filled with eggs. He was so kind to stop and let me take a picture.
The kids all lined up and ready to hit the outside for an amazing egg hunt!
Brigham absolutely LOVED the egg hunt! He was so extremely excited with each and every egg that he found. I absolutely loved finding him more candy filled eggs.
Saturday was filled with lots of good moments. I love spending time with my brothers, sister and Dad. I love watching Hayden interact and develop special bonds of friendship with his cousins. Mission accomplished. Wonderful event and some precious memories were created. It was the perfect type of day!

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