Sunday, August 12, 2012

Jodi's Ward

Jodi and Troy spoke in church and Thomas and I had the pleasure of sitting with their kiddos during church. The talk they were asked to speak on was President Monson's talk on where did we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going?

As Jodi discussed this topic during the week, we had many great conversations about these questions. I feel so blessed to really know the answers to those to questions. To have the knowledge and understanding that I lived with a loving Heavenly Father and my older brother Jesus Christ in the pre-existence, in heaven, before coming to this earth to receive a body. We are here on this earth to be tried and tested to see if we will remain faithful to our Father in Heaven. To make choices each day to follow the plan that the Father set forth. To gain a body and learn how to control it. Then, someday, when this life is through, we will die, leave this earth life, but we will continue to live. Our Spirits will be reunited with our loved ones that have gone on before us.

What an incredible knowledge. What a road map. The universal questions of life... where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? I know the answers to those questions and am so lucky to be able to teach Hayden and help him come to his own understanding and beliefs to the answers for these questions himself.

As Jodi spoke, she used mortal experiences to explain why knowing who we are and where we came from are so critical to making decisions in our day to day lives. And, why knowing that this life is the middle, not the end, is so critical.

I was not ready for how she tied my life into her talk. She explained that as I have had miracles and lived through the impossible, save only for my Savior intervening, that I have learned so much. She told how much stronger I am and more equipped with experiences to teach Hayden. She lovingly talked about me being able to endure more because I understand that this life is not the end. No matter what happens to me, I will see Hayden and Thomas again, and continue to be a family with them in the next life.

She expressed how I now take more moments to really talk to Hayden about the Plan of Salvation. I take every opportunity that I can to teach him important gospel lessons and how they apply every day. I use these teaching moments to help Hayden understand that this life is not the end. It is simply one step in the process of becoming more like our Savior.

Jodi was chocked up a couple of times while expressing how my relationship with my Savior has become so much more deep and meaningful during this trial. She is right, I have had quite the challenges, endured more pain that I would have thought possible, I have been stretched well beyond my limits, but it has been in those moments, that I have developed a greater and deeper relationship with my Savior. I have learned how much he knows me, and loves me. My relationship and trust in Him has grown so deep. I don't know if I could have learned the things I have without walking the path I have been down.

I am so grateful for a loving Father in Heaven. As Troy stated so wonderfully, life is long, it is a marathon, not a sprint. We have to pace ourselves. In a marathon, there are points when you feel absoutely broken, but it is in those moments that you dig deeper and pull out your inner strength, rely more on the Savior and become and do more than you ever could have, more than was ever possible.

My relationship with my Savior, my greater understanding of who he really is, the depth of my knowledge and love and adoration of my Savior has just exploded.

I am grateful for Jodi and Troy's talks and being able to sit there and have so much gratitude for all that I have learned, all of the priesthood blessings that have helped me gain strength and understanding. The knowledge that I have been blessed with.

What a beautiful knowledge to be able to answer the questions that I know who I am. I know where I came from. Why I am here and know where I am going when my time on this earth is through. I don't know how I would be coping with my illness if it were not for this eternal knowledge. It grounds me, it helps keep me balanced and helps me to trust my Savior. What a wonderful and priceless blessing that I am so grateful for.

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