Sunday, August 19, 2012

The influence of one

One of my dearest friends just told me she is moving to Cali. I am so sad. I am going to miss her terribly. We went to lunch today and just talked and talked. I think we could talk for days and never run out of things to talk about. She is an amazing person, one that I look up to and admire so much.

As I have reflected on mine and Marla's friendship and how she has influenced my life, I am amazed with the power of one person.

Marla has changed my life for the good in so many ways.

She was first Hayden's cub scout leader, an incredible one that loved Hayden and encouraged and supported him.

She introduced me to Dr. Shiflet...Priceless.

Frankie, Marla's son, and Hayden have become great friends.

Marla has been one of the people I have been most honest to about my health and feelings and she has loved and accepted me and encouraged me and believed in me... always!

Marla has taught me so much about service and love and giving and caring and the power of genuinely listening. She has taught me that one person can change a life for the better in so many ways.

Marla makes me want to be a better person, be better at my church callings, try hard and embrace life more.

She is a true treasure and one of the greatest blessing to come into my life in the past 2 years during my trials.

I will miss my friend but am so happy for the incredible opportunities that the Lord has placed before her. When she was telling me how it all just fell into place, I could see that the Lord was answering her prayers. He was providing her with all the great blessing that she so deserves.

I keep focusing on all the great blessings unfolding her life and I couldn't be happier for her. I will miss my friend, but am so grateful that the Lord is providing her with all the blessings that she has been praying for for so long.

I am reminded that when we put our faith in the Lord, trust him, do what he has asked that he provides blessings and opportunities that are amazing. I see the Lord's hand in Marla's life and am so genuinely happy for her. I am encouraged and reminded how the Lord can and does the impossible and brings miracles into our lives in the most astounding ways.

I will miss you Marla, but know we will always be friends. I cannot wait to hear how all your blessings continue to unfold as you set out on this new adventure.

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