Friday, December 11, 2015

Dads birthday- happy 69

We celebrated my dad's 69th birthday over Thanksgiving with all the family here. 

Before the prayer, my dad spoke words of truth he has learned in life. He said he wished he expressed his feelings more, his love more and was softer. Getting older definitely makes you realize what life is about. I listened to his words and realized that my dad, like me, and everyone is else is here to learn. Not perfect. But trying. We are all on the same path. We all have different talents and gifts. 

My dad has many great qualities. He taught us to work hard. That anything is possible if you dream, believe and go to work and perseverance. He is incredibly generous and gives and gives. It breaks his heart to see people without. He loves Christmas and taught us to reach out to those less fortunate. He has always provided Christmas to those in need. In a big way. Even when money was very tight. He taught us to love our Savior and Father in Heaven. He taught us to serve. I remember well not understanding why my dad paid someone to mow our lawn yet would haul the boys to mow every widow's and elderly lawn in the ward. His sacrifice taught us the value of seeing a need and fulfilling it. 

As I listened to my dad talk, I realized so much of who I am is because of that great man and what I've gained from his example. 

I'm sure when he leaves this earth life and returns to our Savior, he will be welcomed with open arms, a hug and will hear those words we all long to hear, "well done"! 

Happy birthday, Dad! We love you.  

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