Friday, April 1, 2011

That's My Boy

Hayden had a book exchange at school. For each book they brought in, they received a ticket to choose another book. Hayden was so excited at the possibility of lots of new books and carefully chose 20 that he wanted to exchange. The book exchange came and Hayden was ready with 20 tickets in hand. He carefully chose one for himself and realized that there were a lot of students without tickets. He gave one ticket to each child in his class that did not have a ticket for the book exchange. He then shared with other students at the school.

When I asked him why he only came home with one book, he replied, "Mom, some students didn't even have a book they could exchange. I couldn't be selfish and take 20, when so many were going without any. Mom, you know what is crazy? I had enough extra so that everyone got one book. Isn't that crazy how that worked out?"

I couldn't be prouder of my son. He is so tender hearted and really tries to look out for others around him. I sure am proud of you, Hayden!


Connie said...

That kid of yours is amazing...but you already know that :)

Monroe Family said...

You are doing such a great job with that boy!! I hope my kids turn out as good as your sweet boy is!!!

.mommy.maui. said...

Hayden - You are amazing!

Caitlin Stokes said...

What a great boy!