Thursday, March 31, 2011

Diet Coke...Goodbye

Today is day one on my new adventure of no more soda. It is 9:00 am and I am telling you that I am already missing my 32oz diet coke. Instead, I have a wonderful bottle of water on my desk.

I went to a Naturopathic doctor yesterday. I had heard wonderful reviews and decided that since I continue to keep getting sick, I am going to try a different route. I did receive some answers that I didn't want to hear but am hopeful that at least someone has an answer for me.

I know it will take time to adjust but, we are getting rid of diet cokes, sugar, junk food and going to begin eating completely organically. I know that is what we should be doing. I know it will improve our health but it will take a lot more effort. I have felt for a couple of months that I should try the gluten free diet with Hayden. I am determined to get all of us on a better track for health.

Step 1: Remove diet coke and sugar from the house.

Step 2: I am reading Clean, Green and Lean: Getting Rid of the Toxins that Make you Fat.

Step 3: Date at Whole Foods tonight to grocery shop for organic fruits, veggies and meats.

I still am going back to, if I can get off diet cokes, the rest should come a little easier. Hayden is on board completely. Thomas is willing to do it for mine and Hayden's health. 10 weeks to Alaska cruise.... I am hoping by then that we will all be feeling much better and the thought of new clothes for the cruise... Yep, motivating to NOT walk into the kitchen and get a soda of any kind!


Julie Knapp said...

OK, OK. I will attempt this with you. :-)

Julie Knapp said...

OK, OK. I will attempt this with you :-)

Connie said...

Yay! for you...good luck! Keep us posted and inspired!

.mommy.maui. said...

We would love to hang out with you guys... Soon! Name the place! :)