Saturday, June 29, 2013


I love that a single picture can elicit so many emotions, stir feelings, and bring back so many wonderful moments. 

Last week, there was a super moon or the brightest and biggest moon of 2013. Thomas kept Hayden up late so they could experience this beautiful moon together. Hayden loved it and was in awe of its beauty. 

He ran inside to get me to come and see. By the time I hobbled out to the driveway, Hayden was cuddled right back up to his dad enjoying this beautiful phenomenon. 

I am so glad I used what little energy I had to walk outside and be able to capture this precious moment. 

I took a deep breath as I saw Hayden cuddled up to his dad. His eyes were bright, full of awe and love. He cherished this precious moment with his beloved dad. 

I stood back and just watched them interact, talk and enjoy one of the beautiful earthly creations. 

In that moment, all was perfect in my world, our world. 

I was reminded how perfect life is. My son has a wonderful father that loves and cherishes him. In turn, Hayden loves and adores his dad. They both treasure me. And I couldn't love the two of them more. 

In this single moment, I was gently reminded that life is much simpler than I make it. I have all I need right beside me. Life really is wonderful!

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