Saturday, June 29, 2013

Wonderful surprise

Imagine Hayden's surprise when in the mailbox was a package with his name on it. When he opened the box, there was a wrapped gift. Thomas and I were trying to figure out what it was and who it was from. Luckily, a little card had fallen off in the bottom. 

It was a cute note from Hayden's 5th grade math teacher, Ms. Little. She told Hayden to keep practicing his math facts and to have a great summer keeping his math skills sharp. 

Ms. Little played many games of Yahtzee with Hayden during 5th grade. He loved every minute of it. 

Hayden was thrilled with his incredible gift, especially since it was from his favorite teacher, Ms. Little. 

People come into our lives and leave footprints and we are never again the same. Ms. Little will be one of those people always for Hayden. She was a teacher that inspired Hayden, helped him gain confidence and taught him to believe in himself and his capabilities. She was more than a teacher. She was his friend, his mentor, his cheerleader and his motivator. She inspired him to be better, reach higher and conquer hard things. 

I couldn't be more grateful for her loving example. Hayden adores her. 

This gift was so above and beyond the call of her position, but she knew Hayden well enough to know the impact that tis kind gesture would have. 

We have spent hours and hours playing Yahtzee over the past week. I know there will be countless hours ahead playing this game. With each one, I will say a silent prayer of gratitude for a wonderful teacher that cared and made a huge difference in my sweet son's life. 

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