Friday, June 27, 2014

New help found

My dear lifelong friend, Darce contacting me a couple of months back about a new product she was finding success with. Crazy as life is, I had several people bring new products to me within a week. With money being a major issue, we wanted to figure out which one product to try.

One night, during a painful and emotionally rough night, I had a meltdown. A crying, sobbing, feel sorry for myself complete breakdown. I sobbed. My cries awoke Thomas. He said a prayer. That night I started on this new product, Q96. 

Within the first couple of days, I felt a change. I was calmer. I was coping with issues that were sending me into a breakdown. And much to my surprise, carrying on a conversation and it wasn't causing major concentration and a headache due to the complex strain of concentrating. Within a week, I was experiencing improved concentration and clarity. I was coping with a greater calm. 

I started sleeping thru the night and had increased energy during the day. My afternoons still included a nap but it was now 2 hours instead of 4 hours of complete unconsciousness and dipping rates into coma stats. I was happier. I was enjoying my life more. 

Two weeks on the product and Hayden came bouncing into my room with a smile stretched across his amazing face. He commented that I was mom again. How great is that!?! He said, "Dad, mom is more mom than she has been in years." We asked how. He went on about the sound of my voice and the smile on my face. But most of all that I was more relaxed and laid back. Nothing could have brought more joy and peace to heart and mind. 

Hayden is also taking this vitamin/mineral/micronutrient. He has been on it only a couple of weeks. The changes and benefits we are seeing are amazing. He is no longer having night terrors. He is sleeping in his own room. He is no longer chewing and eating his shirt and anything else he can out in his mouth. He is calmer. He is happier. He is interacting more with his peers and sticking with it for longer time period of time. His headaches are completely gone. He had daily headaches. His daily leg cramps are gone. His digestive issues have drastically decreased. He too, is experiencing these same added benefits of a calmness, added clarity with homeschooling and coping with his realm of health issues. He smiles more and is genuinely happier. 

My nephew is struggling. He has severe ADHD and Anxiety issues. Both are drastically decreased. My sweet nephew told me that, "the storm in my head is gone."  He is embracing his life with added joy and zest. He is doing things he has never had the attention span and ability to do. He went to the movies for the first time and loved it and wanted to go back. He is socializing with more friends and less anxious while doing so. He is cleaning and doing chores and things he despised with a calmer demeanor. He is seeing the benefits of this product, but his mom is really noticing the difference. It is giving him a better quality of life. 

I could keep going with story after story. Example after example. And testimonials that would wow. 

This formula of vitamins and micronutrients was formulated and created by a man who tragically lost his wife to suicide while she battled a bipolar disorder. Two of his children were headed in the same direction and he was so scared he would lose them to this illness. He just knew he had to be able help his children and his quest began. 

The day that his son walked out of his room and was better functioning. He then gave it to his daughter. They began taking control of their disease rather than the bipolar disorder overriding their lives. 

Thomas and I believe this is the road to our future. In a very personal prayer,  Thomas and I were told to pursue this product. Not just as a consumer, but we were to get into the business. I don't know that we will make a lot of money. But, we both have the desire to help others lives improve. 

In fact, the wording used by my Savior was, "A one stop shop". He wanted. Thomas and I to created a haven where people can come. Where we can help direct them in where to turn for peace, strength, hope, natural remedies, a chiropractor, a myriad of doctors and now Q96. My dear Savior is trusting me and Thomas to help others in helping them find different doctors, medications and treatments to help them. We will also be blessed to use our experiences to promote faith and hope and our Savior in coping with daily challenges. I couldn't be more him led or excited for this new journey and adventure. 

So, if you are struggling with depression, bipolar disorder, dementia, Alzheimer's, autism, ADHD, strokes, neurotransmitter balance, migraines or any neurological conditions. If you are hoping for a greater calm in your life. If you need extra help in order to just cope with the circumstances of life and your road. Or if concentration and clarity are causing you issues and anxiety, or just forgetting, this product may be for you. 

If there is anything that Thomas or I can do to help or answer questions, we would love to. We want to pass this on so all can see the benefits we are experiencing. We will update our journey. We are excited for this new adventure. And we are meeting incredible people along this road. 

Were our prayers answered? Yes. They were not answered how we thought they would be. However, our Savior is guiding and directing out lives. He is leading us to a beautiful place. And Q96 is definitely apart of our answer and journey. Stay tuned.... We are excited for this adventure to begin. 

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