Monday, November 24, 2008


Imagine my surprise today when Hayden's neurologist is Dr. Teodori, I questioned them since Hayden's heart surgeon was Dr. Teodori. Yep, they are married. Well, we loved his heart surgeon and loved his wife, the neurologist, as well. What an amazingly brilliant couple, a heart surgeon and neurologist! I think their children must be brilliant!

Hayden was so funny today. I'm so impressed with him as he gets poked at by so many different people. Anyways, they told him he was going to have to have blood drawn. He got teary eyed and said, "Why? Do the vampires need my blood?" I laughed, poor kid has heard too much Twilight talk lately. Luckily for him, the bloodwork was postponed until next week.

The appointment went much like I imagined... more tests, blood work, MRI's and more doctors and possibly a day of tests in the hospital... poor kid. I feel so bad for him. But, hey, he does love that anything with an "ologist" at the end, buys him a trip to Toys R Us, so it's not all bad. Today, he picked Bumblebee and a bad guy from Transformers.

I think the mom deserves a massage after a day like today. :)

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