Thursday, December 25, 2014

Forgotten carols

Julie gave me an early Christmas gift. She bought tickets for Jodi and Me to go to Forgotten Carols. We all went to Mexican food before the event. Jodi and I talked and laughed. We visited and reminisced. We recalled all the years we have been starting with just after my mom passed away. Over 20 years of memories. I sure love time with my sweet sister. She is my best friend and I adore her. 

We talked of years past. How different songs brought joy to heart and helped us to cope with our journey of the year. We talked of obstacles and trials overcome. We shared in gratitude for the blessings. We were grateful for another year. 

This year the same song meant the most to both of us. "I've been given what I need". The song talks of praying for all these things and instead of getting what was prayed for, we were given what we need. It is a reminder that God is in charge. He gives the best gifts. Not necessarily what we want but what we need. We needed time together. I'm glad Julie saw that. 

Other years when miscarriages and failed adoptions were apart of our year or health trials or sick kids plagued our hearts, different songs touched us. This year, we talked of gratitude and how The Lord gave us much different gifts than we would have asked for but we recognize it was exactly what we needed. 

My sister is such a strength to me. She is my soft place to fall. She builds me up. She encourages me. She helps me. She accepts me for who I am. She sees the best in me. She recognizes my efforts. She sees the good. I'm so grateful for Jodi. I know she is a gift for my heart and my life. She is the best sister I could have ever been given and exactly what I need. 

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