Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Eve

Having pneumonia for the past week and still being completely down put a hault on all of our New Years Eve plans. Bummer!

I had an interesting week of just being down. I had so much I wanted to do, so much I needed to do, but it didn't happen... instead, other than going to the Dr. and urgent care, I stayed on the couch or in my bed. I felt so bad that Hayden didn't have a fun week. Reality is, he did. He spent time playing with his new toys, watching his new movies, coloring and cuddling with mommy. He loved it. He loved that we didn't have to leave the house. Who would have known that while I was feeling guilty for being sick, that Hayden thought we were having a great week.

Hayden did love that Logan came and had a New Year's Eve Party with him. They watched movies, played Hero Factory toys, legos, DS games and ate junk food. They loved the slumber party that Thomas put together for them.

Me, I ushered in the new year sound asleep before 10pm.

I am excited for a new year and all the new changes that 2011 will bring. 2010 was a good year with cherished memories and huge challenges overcome. It brought wonderful people into my life, we dealt with some health challenges, and helped me put my life back into balance. I am so thankful for the lessons learned, adventures experienced and especially for the tender moments when Heaven felt like it was here on earth with me. Looking back on 2010, I am in awe of how many times I was able to see the Lord's hand in my life. Our family was very blessed in 2010. We are hoping for a wonderful 2011!

1 comment:

Connie said...

Beautiful post!!! Hope you are feeling better...but, it sounds like you made the most of it!