Monday, January 28, 2013

Family home evening

Tonight was Hayden's first night at planning, teaching and conducting family home evening. I smiled as he called on himself to say the prayer. He prayed. He told us our lesson was on sin and not committing any. He then walked over and picked up the scriptures. He opened them. Told us to follow along. He opened to Alma 37:30.

Hayden began reading. Alma was talking to his son, Helaman. Alma was counseling Helaman to avoid sin. To withstand temptations. Alma then went on to explain to Helaman the things he should do: pray, read scriptures and to not lose sight because of the easiness of the way to heaven.

I asked Hayden how he did such a great job locating scriptures on obtaining from sin without any help. He said, "but I did have help". He said, "I just opened the scriptures and this is what I turned to."

I smiled as I relayed to Hayden that the Holy Ghost helped him to find the right scriptures. I also relayed to him that I sometimes receive answers that way. I pray for an answer and just let the scriptures fall open and read until I get an answer.

Hayden said, "No. I just wanted to watch Psych. So I figured that since Psych always chases the bad guys it would be the perfect activity to go with the lesson." I replied to Hayden that the Holy Ghost still helped you to find the scripture to go with sin. He said, "Hmmmm. I guess your right. He helped me even though I was just trying to watch Psych. I guess he wants me to learn in any way I can. Even if it wasn't for the right reason."

What a kid. All in all. He did a great job. Boy this kid cracks me up and keeps me on my toes. Even if it wasn't the way it was supposed to, Hayden did learn a lesson. He learned that the Holy Ghost will guide him. If Hayden is ever searching for answers, he will be led to them.

And yes, we ended the evening with an episode of Psych.

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