Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Doctor

As Thomas headed back to work, I headed for a new doctor. I have been praying to figure out who to switch my primary care doctor to. I needed a good one, one that is willing to put in the time and effort into helping me sort through all these specialists, tests, medications and symptoms.

Wednesday morning proved to be hopeful. The doctor was scheduled to go over events and symptoms with me for 30 minutes. Over an hour later, he was still talking to me and still trying to figure things out.

He explained things to me so clearly, so that I could really understand what is happening to my body. I feel like most doctors have hid the truth from me or at least covered some of it up. This doctor laid it out....I have a dead spot in my brain. It has taken out the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system and hypothalamus. bummer. Because of this, it is causing my brain waves to swing like epilepsy, but they are not electrical currents from my brain, but from my heart.

This means extremes.... seizures, arrythmia of the heart, passing out, high and low heart runs and all kinds of other problems. He started me on a medication to try to minimize some of these symptoms.

I walked out of the appointment feeling like this doctor is a good man. He is a servant of God and he tried to listen to the Spirit and follow the guidance of our Father in Heaven. I felt so good about what he gave me.

I started the new medication and the side effects are kicking my bootie. Sick, sick, sick.... anxiety is making me crazy .... nausea and vomitting has returned. I can hardly move out of the bathroom and walking has become an even bigger obstacle. I keep thinking that I have got to try to move past the side effects. As soon as that is over, hopefully, I will be on my way to finding some relief.

In the meantime, I cannot move. I am stuck on the couch or in my bed or bathroom. I hope the side effects dissapate soon. I don't know how many more days I can handle this harshness of symptoms. I am pleading for relief.

I do feel this doctor will help, even if medication adjustments are required. I am also off to two new specialists for second opionions on heart and brain. I am praying they can help.

We are prayerful and hopeful that 2013 will bring relief, new healing and new positive outlook for our futures.

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