Saturday, January 24, 2015

Enrichment activity

Last Thursday was our ward's enrichment activity. I had been in bed all day. I felt I should go...I even wanted to go. But I felt awful. Then, something just outright awful happened. My heart felt as if it had been ripped and a huge black hole had been inserted right in the middle of my chest. I couldn't breathe. I felt black fluid leaking from my heart and pouring into my lungs. The world began to close in and turn black. It scared me. Terrified me. 

I called Thomas and he came right home. He walked in, saw me rocking and gave me a priesthood blessing. The promises contained therein were beautiful. As the words in the blessing were spoken, the hole in my,heart began to close. I was told that I needed to experience all things so I would know how to help others. As the blackness disappeared, I felt the need to go to the relief society activity. 

I hurried and got ready and had Thomas drop me off at the church. I was thrilled when I walked in and my friend, Carrie, was at the activity. We sat and chatted. After dinner, we played a round of "friendship dating" instead of speed dating. It was so fun. There were questions you were supposed to answer. Instead, each person that came to sit by me, said they only had a few minutes to talk with me and wanted to hear updates or my story. I was in awe as people sat and told me how my story had benefitted them or their loved ones. I was so touched. I needed that. I needed to know that my suffering or trials had some positive impact on something in life. 

I came home and Thomas asked me how it went. I told him I bore my testimony about seventeen times. He smiled. He was so glad to see the hole was closed up in my heart and I was smiling. 

I've decided when I need something that the adversary tries beating me down and wants to keep me in bed. Away from everyone. As I spoke those truths, the words in the blessing came back. "That all my be edified...." When the adversary tries to prevent me from leaving the house or going to church, he  knows I will be able to lift my spirits or be able to lift the hearts and spirits of those surrounding me. 

I'm always in awe when my Savior uses me to get His message to His other children. It is such a blessing to me as well as those I get a chance to deliver the message to. The other sisters were in awe that I knew what to say or had answers to questions they had been seeking. I loved being able to vocalize the words or feelings that our Savior is whispering thru the Holy Ghost. 

I am lucky to be in a ward I love with people I love and adore. I am lucky to have such amazing friends. And I love that my Savior loves me and those I associate with. 

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