Thursday, July 2, 2015

Stem cell transplant

As I left the primary care doctor, I headed to Dr Shiflet. 

As I walked in and talked to Dr Shiflet, he told me of a new doctor and a new treatment. A stem cell transplant. He asked how quickly it could raise $7500- $10,000. I told him I would try. 

Luckily this doctor is in Phoenix. It is legal in the USA but not approved by the FDA so not covered by insurance. Bummer. 

I need to call but this could be the answer. This could not only stop the progression of this disease from taking my life but also could help repair some of the damage making my life even a little better than where I am today. 

I thought. Do I dare hope again? Is it possible to raise that much money? How do I go about it? Go fund me? Bake sale? Car wash? Convince the monster truck guys to help me? Hmmm? Lots to try to figure out. 

I felt such peace. 

I mean. I know if I die that Hayden and Thomas will be ok. I know they will survive but the thought of watching Hayden turn 14, and possibly 15, and what if I could live to see him turn 16 or what if I had the possibility of living to see my son to on a mission. I would be forever grateful. So very very grateful. 

I will have to figure out how to raise the money. I pray that somehow and someway that we can figure it out. Hmmm, to figure out how to raise money ASAP. And that much. Well, other miracles have happened. I have faith that if this is the Savior's plan, He will help us raise the money. I'm praying for direction and guidance. 

It's definitely amazing how things can change so much in such a long but short week. 

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