Wednesday, October 1, 2014

14 years

Fourteen years and counting....

I feel so blessed to be married to my precious husband. He is a good man. He honors his priesthood. He gives his all. He loves us. He works hard. He serves everyone. He has a heart of gold. He tries hard to do nice things for us each day. He is a wonderful father. He is an incredible father. And he is a dedicated disciple of our Savior. 

Thomas gets up early each morning. He gets ready for work. Makes sure things are done such as garbage out, starts laundry and takes the dogs out. He goes to circle K and gets me a diet coke before he leaves. He makes me an egg and toast every morning to keep me from getting sick. He wakes up me and Hayden. Gets me my meds. Reads scriptures and gathers us for family prayer. Before he heads out the door for work. 

He works hard all day. He gives his all. He is friendly. He helps everyone and does whatever is asked even if it isn't technically in his job description. He cares. He gives his all. He runs errands at lunch. 

He comes home. He makes dinner. He helps Hayden with anything he needs. He helps me with meds and walking and whatever I need. He does laundry. He runs errands. He grocery shops. He helps clean the house. He pays bills. He fulfills his church assignments. He helps others. He works on our Q96 business. He gives his all until late in he evening when we again gather for scriptures and family prayer. 

Thomas is a good man. He gives his all. He loves with all of his heart. He tries hard to be the best father and husband around. He gives his all to his Savior. He listens to the Holy Ghost. He serves those around him. He honors his priesthood. He gives me priesthood blessings when I am sick. He calls down the powers of Heaven to bless our home. 

I am so grateful he is mine. I am so grateful that we are sealed for time and all eternity. Knowing we will be together forever is a blessing I cherish each day. 

Happy Anniversary, Thomas. I hope we have many more years together here on this earth. I look forward to making more memories and sharing this life with you. You are my heart and soul and I love you. 

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