Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning is essential in the Arizona desert. Without it, strokes,seizures and all kinds of medical episodes take place with me. Along, with the fact that it is horrifically hot when the a/c goes out on a 115 degree heat.

Luckily, Jake is a contractor and knows A/C guys. He had one of his guys stop by first thing the next morning. They pulled a part and went and replaced it.

At first I found myself asking really? First my health, all the medical that comes with it, the car tire blowing up yesterday and now the air conditioning today?

After a moment of contemplation, I changed how I looked at it. Yes, I have medical issues, but the Lord is helping us work on that.

Yesterday, Thomas' tire blew, yes. But, he was protected, did not get in an accident, made it safely to the side of the road and was completely protected and safe.

Yes, our air conditioning went out. But, the Lord blessed us that it was a relatively inexpensive part compared to what a new unit would have cost us.

I spent a lot of time thinking of these two scenarios... it was my choice to see it as another trial or a huge blessing. The same events occured regardless of how I choose to look at the situation. I can choose an oh me, why are so many bad things happening to us attitude or one of sincere gratitude that things worked out so favorable for us. My choice. My decision.

I quickly hit my knees in thanksgiving and prayer. I thanked my Father in Heaven for sparing Thomas' life, keeping him from being in any serious danger, watching out for him, and having the car have as minimal repairs as were possible. I also thanked him for us being able to replace an inexpensive part instead of an entire air conditioning unit.

When I got up from my knees, I called Hayden over and listed the events that had occurred and asked him what he thought. He immediately said, boy, we are so lucky that Heavenly Father protected dad and so blessed that we didn't have to buy a new air conditioning unit.

That boy has it right and oh how his mom is trying to keep up with him, his positive attitude and his goodness. He is so right. We are so blessed and so looked after.

I am determined that no matter what events take place in our lives that we try to see the blessing in it before we choose to see the trial or hardship. I know the difference lies in my attitude. I am sure going to try to be better at searching for the good not the bad.

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