Friday, March 21, 2014


I love this!

It is so true! Anything worthwhile does take time. Gaining a closer relationship with the Savior. Developing talents. Overcoming bad habits. Parenting. Developing a rock solid marriage. Learning. 

Patience. I do not think anyone that has worked on developing patience has walked an easy road in doing so. Patience is hard. It takes all one has. It is a daily struggle to learn to have patience. Patience, to me, is trying your best each day, giving it your all, having the best attitude possible, while waiting upon The Lord. 

Determination, like patience, requires self control and dedication.  To be determined is to not allow life and it's daily struggles and challenges, to keep you from obtaining your goals.

I'm grateful that the Savior has been patient with me and has been determined to help me walk my path in life. 

I have learned the value of patience and determination. 

I continue to learn both of these values each and every day. They play a critical role in my walk to health. In my walk to conquer this illness. And in my ability to keep breathing. Keep going. Keep walking. 

I'm so very grateful! I am grateful that my dear Savior has given up on me. He is the ultimate example of patience and determination. They are my daily goals. To walk in patience,determination, gratitude and grace. 

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