Sunday, June 12, 2016


The chemo poisoning sure messed up my head. I thought I was going crazy. I was so upset. Crying. Wanting to peel my skin off. I wanted to jump out of my skin. It was terrible. 

I posted this on Instagram asking for slack. I try hard to be patient and kind to others. This messed me up. This has me feeling crazy. 

At the dr I found out I had had a massive stroke. Hence the issues of brain issues and feeling my personality was different. He told me that it wasn't my fault. The stroke caused issues. 

Thankfully the stroke meds are making me feel more like myself. If grateful for those that were gentle with me while I struggled with a really hard and painful event. While I wasn't myself. While I was ready to just give up. I'm grateful that phase of this illness has passed. It was awful. I'm grateful for medications that help us feel better. I'm grateful for good doctors. I'm grateful for a patient husband and son. I'm grateful for friends that were patient Nd loving with me. 

Life is hard. Really hard. I'm grateful that these moments that I know people have my back. I'm grateful for those that love me. I grateful for all the good in my life. 

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