Sunday, December 23, 2012

Murphy Christmas Party

We decided to change things up this year and start a new Murphy tradition. We usually get together on Christmas night when everyone is tired and exhausted. It is all we can do to just hang out and sit, but night we are all done with even grazing on treats.

We decided the Sunday night before Christmas would be a fun tradition to start. We are all still really excited for Christmas and not absolutely exhausted. I am so glad we did. It worked perfectly. I loved it. I am really excited for this new tradition.
Thomas traditionally always hands out gifts, he loves it!
Victoria with her neon colored necklace that Thomas made her.
I love Hayden's face when he opens gifts. He gets so excited. Aunt Kelli gave him a $25 gift certificate to Olive Garden this year. It is Hayden's favorite restaurant.
Logan loved his hat and clothes that he got. His favorite was a cookie monster t-shirt from Suzi and this fedora hat.
I love that Hayden just loves everything we do. He is so in to traditions, just like his mom.
We decided to play the white elephant gift exchange. Suzi was awesome and went and bought gifts for all of us to play the game. We laughed and laughed when out of all the gifts, Scott ended up with Hello Kitty lip gloss and Thomas was left with hot pink nail polish and lipstick. We laughed and laughed and laughed.

Then we all settled in with our hot cocoa, chocolate chip cookies and watched Polar Express. It was a great night and I am so excited to carry on this new tradition each year. Thanks to everyone for humoring me and letting us try something new. I definitely think it is going to be a great tradition.

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