Thursday, August 21, 2008

Dunkin Donuts

They opened a Dunkin Donuts clear out by us. Hayden has been watching them build it, put up the signs and waiting patiently for it to open. It finally opened this week. So, today, on the way home from school, I figured we'd stop by and pick them up for a treat. He loved having the box and being able to choose the donuts.

Hayden may not be big on sweets, but he LOVES his donuts.


Anonymous said...

I love Dunkin Donuts. Love. Love. LOVE! They are opening one by my house too and I've been waiting and watching ever so anxiously. For me it is the bagels with cream cheese. They are the best out there!

Bob and Danya said...

Oh man.......... don't even tempt me! I'm trying to be good!!!