Saturday, August 16, 2008

Saturday's Warriors

Last night Thomas, Hayden, Suzi, Jodi, Brooklyn, Ariyona, Taylor and I went to see the play Saturday's Warrior's. It was a lot of fun. It was a totally different play as the Saturday's Warriors part was first and then they did the present day Jimmy Flinders. At intermission, Jodi, Suzi and the kids left. What was I thinking getting tickets to that for Hayden and Brooklyn? Too deep, too long, it didn't hold their interest. Oh well, Taylor and Ariyona loved it! It brought back all kinds of memories of me going and seeing the play with my mom and dad. Good times!

Before the play started, Hayden was on Taylor's lap and she was giving him a face massage. He had is eyes rolled back and loved it. Then I looked over and he had both girls massaging him. I love how wonderful these girls are to Hayden. He is absolutely spoiled rotten. As if me, Thomas and Suzi don't spoil him enough, now he has Taylor and Ariyona that will give in to his every whim. I don't think there is anything in the world that Taylor wouldn't do for him... and he knows it. He tells me all the time how much he loves having "big sisters".

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