Friday, April 29, 2016

Crazy pups

Each morning, these crazy dogs, yawn and stretch and attack Thomas before he leaves for work. They try sitting on him so he will stay home. They try pulling the cuteness cards. They bark at him and try to talk and tell him not to go. They try to get him distracted by what he is doing. They pull out all of their tricks and all of their cuteness and all their love to try to get him to stay.

When he eventually leaves, they climb under the covers and mope for at least an hour.

I love these cute puppies and the ultimate joy that they bring to our lives. They are our precious and exactly the little boost I needed to make it through each and every day. They need me and are relient on me and I oh so need them to pull me through the day in and day out.

We are a perfect little family, puppies and all, we love one another and are grateful for the gift of these two little baby puppies in our lives.

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