Thursday, April 14, 2016

Invisible Illness

I saw this on Facebook. I immediately showed this to Thomas and Hayden. I said that this is the most real example of how my neck and back and arms constantly feel. In fact, it is how my entire body feels.

I explained that is why sometimes it hurts so bad for them to hug me. This is why it hurts sometimes when the dogs jump on me. Why I walk so gingerly, why I sit carefully, why I bend slowly and methodically, why I wince in pain, why I move so slowly and why I complain if the bed bounces around or I get concerned if I think that someone may run into me.

It is also why I am paranoid of a car wreck. I cannot imagine any more bruises or broken places. Literally, I feel I battle this pain every single solitary day.

To the makes me tear up, because I give myself a little more credit for what I endure day in and day out, every single hour of the day. In fact, it is 2:00 am, and I am awake. Why? Because my back and neck hurt too much from laying on that bruised and beat up back.

Maybe it is a good thing no one can see it. I definitely wouldn't want the pity or crazy looks.

Also, a sweet reminder that no matter how someone looks on the outside, the pain felt on the inside is invisible. BUT no less real. If we could all see each others scars, my guess, the world would be a kinder place. I sure hope that I give others the benefit of the doubt. Because the pain is oh so real. And oh so much more painful than it even looks.

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